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How Can I Get More Time with My Kids?

A father holds his small laughing child

If you’re a parent going through a divorce, you might be concerned about how much time you’ll be able to spend with your children after the proceeding. This concern is legitimate, as courts sometimes give one parent full physical custody of the children if they feel it is in the child’s best interest.

Before the Divorce

The best time to guarantee more time with your children is before the divorce takes place. With a skilled divorce attorney, you can demonstrate to the court you already spend a good amount of time with your children. If you can also prove less time with them is detrimental to their emotional well-being, you might be granted equal physical custody with the other parent. Equal physical custody means the children will spend half their time with you and half their time with the other parent.

During the Divorce

During the proceedings, it’s best to try and work with your ex to reach an agreement. You may not like each other much right now, but if you can both agree to do what is best for the children involved, you might be able to reach an agreement on how to share custody. If you compromise by granting your spouse full physical custody, you might have more leeway to negotiate appropriate visitation amounts.

After the Divorce

Child custody orders aren’t set in stone; however, they must be followed, unless you and your ex can unofficially agree to a change. If you and your spouse can’t agree to a change in visitation or custody, you will need the help of an attorney to apply to the court for a modification. Modifications usually require an extreme change in circumstances for the court to consider making changes. For example, if you were promoted recently, you might have more flexibility in your schedule to pick up the kids after school or act as their babysitter on the weekends if the other parent must work.

If you’re interested in discussing your options, talk to one of our skilled attorneys about your case. Moore, Shulman & Moore, APC is dedicated to helping families reach their legal goals with compassion and experienced advocacy. Let us see what we can do for you.

Contact us at (858) 492-7968 or fill out our online form to schedule a free case consultation today.
