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Social Media Mistakes To Avoid During Divorce


Social media has become such a part of our daily lives we don't always think it through before updating our status or sharing the weekend's photos. Although online communication offers many benefits, it can be detrimental to your divorce process if you don't think twice before posting. Here are common social media mistakes to avoid during divorce.

Failure To Cut Off Ties

The first step you're going to want to take is to 'unfriend' or 'unfollow' your ex and any of his or her mutual friends who would use any information against you. Many divorces have come to decisions based off of information being exposed from “mutual friends” online. This also relates to accepting new people online who you do not know. It's essential to not add anyone unfamiliar to you because they could be working with your ex to try to get information about you.

Staying Public

If you're not already, it's now time to make your social media profiles completely private. Your ex could have people looking up your information online and trying to keep tabs on your current activities. It's important to keep your information private so nothing gets shared in court that would harm your case.

Emotional Posting

Some people find social media is an outlet for their emotions and a way to express how they're feeling. However, a simple phrase depicting your negative emotions towards your divorce or opinion about the process can really weigh you down in court. You need to appear calm, mature and collected to a judge. A thought you share in the moment could represent you as being unfit for custody or support.

A good rule of thumb is to never post anything before or after a court appearance. Whenever you post something, you should think to yourself whether or not you would be okay with a judge seeing it. If you think a judge would frown upon any part of the post, then don't do it.

Allowing All Pictures

When it comes to pictures online, you want to first change your settings so pictures of you cannot be added to your profile without your permission. You also will need to refrain from posting pictures of your weekend and other activities during a divorce. If you're trying to plea in court you are broke and deserve a financial break, pictures can come back to say otherwise. If there are pictures of you at a fancy club or with a new car, a judge will not believe you're supposed financial burdens are real.


The bottom line is privacy does not go hand in hand with social media. Whatever you post could end up in court. Although you may mean your posts in a different context than they appear, it will be left for a judge to depict the meaning. The divorce process is a good time to step away from your online accounts. Don't jump towards online dating or telling the world about what you're going through. These actions could greatly hurt your character in court and harm you in the end.

If you want to talk to your friends about anything personal, do so over the phone or in person. Always resist the urge to share components of your life online. You should also skim back through your profile to see what is accessible to your ex or a stranger. The best advice of all would be to keep quiet online until you reach a settlement and are more emotionally stable.
